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Hợp âm trong bài
Chế độ luyện tập

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[Cfc] [Cfc] <Verse>
[C]If I could catch a st[F]ar for y[C]ou
[C]I swear I'd steal t[F]hem all to[C]night
[Am]To make your every [F]wish come [C]true and every dream for[G]all your [C]life
[C]But that's not how the st[F]ory goe[C]s
[C]The world is full of per[F]fect pla[C]ns
[Am]If there's a promise th[F]at I brok[C]e
[C]I know one day y[G]ou will underst[C]and

[Am]When times are ha[C]rd I kn[F]ow you'll be str[C]ong
[Am]I'll be there i[G]n you heart when [F]you'll carry o[C]n
[Am]Like moonlight on the w[G]ater, and sun[F]light in the sk[C]y
[Am]Fathers and daug[G]hters nev[F]er say goodb[C]ye

[C]An Angel I will re[F]ad to sle[C]ep
[C]Gave me one dream o[F]f my o[C]wn
[Am]So learn to love and [F]spread your [C]wings, and
find the one to ca[G]ll your ho[C]me

[Am]When times are ha[C]rd I kn[F]ow you'll be st[C]rong
[Am]I'll be there i[G]n you heart when [F]you'll carry o[C]n
[Am]Like moonlight on the w[G]ater, and sun[F]light in the sk[C]y
[Am]Fathers and daug[G]hters ne[F]ver say goodb[C]ye

[Amgfc] [Amgfc]

[Am]When times are ha[C]rd I kn[F]ow you'll be st[C]rong
[Am]I'll be there i[G]n you heart when [F]you'll carry o[C]n
[Am]Like moonlight on the w[G]ater, and sun[F]light in the s[C]ky
[Am]Fathers and daug[G]hters ne[F]ver say goodb[C]ye
[Am]Fathers and daug[G]hters ne[F]ver say goodb[C]ye

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