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Capo 3

[G]Do you love the [Em]rain, does it make you [C]dance
When you're drunk with your [G]friends at a party?
[G]What's your favorite [Em]song, does it make you [C]smile?
Do you think of [G]me?

When you [G]close your [Em]eyes, tell me, [C]what are you [G]dreamin'?
Every[G]thing, I [Em]wanna know it [C]all [G]

I'd spend [G]ten thousand [Em]hours and [C]ten thousand [G]more
Oh, if [G]that's what it [Em]takes to learn that [C]sweet heart of [G]yours
And I [G]might never [Em]get there, but [C]I'm gonna [G]try
If it's [G]ten thousand [Em]hours or the [C]rest of my [G]life
I'm gonna [G]love you ([Em]Ooh, ooh-[C]ooh, ooh, [G]ooh)

[G]Do you miss the [Em]road that you grew up [C]on?
Did you get your middle [G]name from your grandma?
[G]When you think a[Em]bout your forever [C]now, do you think of [G]me?

When you [G]close your [Em]eyes, tell me, [C]what are you [G]dreamin'?
Every[G]thing, I [Em]wanna know it [C]all [G]

I'd spend [G]ten thousand [Em]hours and [C]ten thousand [G]more
Oh, if [G]that's what it [Em]takes to learn that [C]sweet heart of [G]yours
And I [G]might never [Em]get there, but [C]I'm gonna [G]try
If it's [G]ten thousand [Em]hours or the [C]rest of my [G]life
I'm gonna [G]love you ([Em]Ooh, ooh-[C]ooh, ooh, [G]ooh)
I'm gonna [G]love you ([Em]Ooh, ooh-[C]ooh, ooh, [G]ooh)

[Bm]..Ooh, want the [C]good and the bad and everything in between
[Bm]…Ooh, gotta [C]cure my curiosity
Ooh, yeah

I'd spend [G]ten thousand [Em]hours and [C]ten thousand [G]more
Oh, if [G]that's what it [Em]takes to learn that [C]sweet heart of [G]yours
And I [G]might never [Em]get there, but [C]I'm gonna [G]try
If it's [G]ten thousand [Em]hours or the [C]rest of my [G]life
I'm gonna [G]love you ([Em]Ooh, ooh-[C]ooh, ooh, [G]ooh)
I'm gonna [G]love you ([Em]Ooh, ooh-[C]ooh, ooh, [G]ooh)

[G][Em]Yeah [C]…And [G]I…
[G]Do you love the [Em]rain, does it make you [C]dance?
I'm gonna [G]love you
[Em]…I'm [C]gonna love [G]you

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