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Tone [E] Well I never been to [A]Spain But I kinda like the [E]music
Say the ladies are in[A]sane there And they sure know how to [E]use it
They don't a[B]buse it Never gonna [A]lose it I can't re[E]fuse it

Well I never been to [A]England But I kinda like the [E]Beatles
Well, I headed for Las [A]Vegas only made it out to [E]Needles
Can you [B]feel it It must be [A]real it Feels so [E]good it Feels so good

Well I never been to [A]heaven But I been to Okla[E]homa
Well they tell me I was [A]born there But I really don't re[E]member
In Okla[B]homa, not Ari[A]zona what does it [E]matter What does it matter

Well I never been to [A]Spain But I kinda like the [E]music
Say the ladies are in[A]sane there And they sure know how to [E]use it
They don't a[B]buse it Never gonna [A]lose it I can't re[E]fuse it

Well I never been to [A]heaven But I been to Okla[E]homa
Well they tell me I was [A]born there But I really don't re[E]member
In Okla[B]homa, not Ari[A]zona what does it [E]matter What does it matter

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