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Hợp âm trong bài
Chế độ luyện tập

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[E](Hmm-hmm, hmm-hmm) oh yeah
[E](Hmm-hmm) oh yeah
[E](Hmm-hmm) oh yeah

Verse 1
[E] She's got a family in Carolina (oh yeah)
[E] So far away, but she says I remind her of home
[E] Feeling oh so far from home, (hmm-hmm) oh yeah

[E] She never saw herself as a west coaster
[E] Moved all the way 'cause her grandma told her
[E] "Towns, better swim before you drown"

Chorus 1
She's a [F#5]good girl [G5](na-na-na-na [A5]na-na-na [B5]na-na-na-na-na)
She's such a [F#5]good girl [G5](na-na-na-na [A5]na-na-na [B5]na-na-na-na-na)
Yeah, she's a [F#5]good girl [G5](na-na-na-na [A5][B5]na-na-na), she’s so [E]good

Verse 2
[E] She's got a book for every situation
[E] Gets into parties without invitations
[E] How could you ever turn her down?

[E] There's not a drink that I think could sink her
[E] How would I tell her that she's all I think about?
[E] Well I guess she just found out

Chorus 2
She's a [F#5]good girl [G5](na-na-na-na [A5]na-na-na [B5]na-na-na-na-na)
She's such a [F#5]good girl [G5](na-na-na-na [A5]na-na-na [B5]na-na-na-na-na)
Yeah, she's a [F#5]good girl [G5](na-na-na-na [A5][B5]na-na-na), she’s so [E]good
She feels so [E]good

Verse 3
[E] I met her once and wrote a song about her
[E] I wanna scream, yeah I wanna shout it out
[E] And I hope she hears me now

[E] La la la la la la la-la la-la
[E] La la la la la la la-la la-la
[E] La la la la la la la-la la-la
[E] La la la la la la la-la la-la

Chorus 3
She's a [F#5]good girl [G5](na-na-na-na [A5]na-na-na [B5]na-na-na-na-na)
She's such a [F#5]good girl [G5](na-na-na-na [A5]na-na-na [B5]na-na-na-na-na)
Yeah, she's a [F#5]good girl [G5](na-na-na-na [A5][B5]na-na-na), she’s so [E]good

She feels so [F#5]good [G5](na-na-na-na [A5]na-na-na [B5]na-na-na-na-na)
Oh she feels so [F#5]good [G5](na-na-na-na [A5]na-na-na [B5]na-na-na-na-na)
Yeah baby feels so [F#5]good [G5](na-na-na-na
[A5]na-na-na [B5]na-na-na-na-na), ah she’s a [E]good girl

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