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Hợp âm trong bài
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Capo 4 choi G
(Go back and tell it)
Please could you be [G]tender and I will sit [C]close to you
Let's [Em]give it a minute before we admit that we're [C]through
Guess this is the [G]winter, our bodies are [C]young and blue
I'm [Em]at Jungle City, it's late and this song is for [C]you

Cause I remember the [G]rush, when forever was us
Before all of the [C]winds of regret and mistrust
Now we sit in your [Em]car and our love is a ghost
Well I guess I should [C]go, yeah I guess I should go

Hard feelings

These are what they call [G]hard [C]feelings of love
When [Em]sweet words and fevers all leave us right here in the [C]cold, oh oh
Alone with the [G]hard [C]feelings of love
God I [Em]wish I believed you when you told me this was my [C]home, oh oh

I light all the [G]candles, cut flowers for [C]all my rooms
I [Em]care for myself the way I used to care about [C]you
These days, [G]we kiss and we keep busy, the waves come after midnight
[C]I call from underwater, why even try to get right?
[Em]When you've outgrown a lover, the whole world knows but you
[C]It's time to let go of this endless summer afternoon

Hard feelings

These are what they call [G]hard [C]feelings of love
When [Em]sweet words and fevers all leave us right here in the [C]cold, oh oh
Alone with the [G]hard [C]feelings of love
God I [Em]wish I believed you when you told me this was my [C]home, oh oh

[Gcemc] [Gcemc] [Gcemc] [Gcemc]

Three [G]years, loved you every single day, made me
weak, it was [C]real for me, yup, real for me
Now I'll [Em]fake it every single day 'til I don't need [C]fantasy, 'til I feel you leave
But [G]I still remember everything, how we'd drift buying [C]groceries, how you'd dance for me
I'll [Em]start letting go of little things 'til I'm
so far [C]away from you, far away from you, yeah

"What is this tape?"
"This is my favorite tape"

[C]Bet you wanna rip my [Am]heart out
Bet you wanna skip my [F]calls now
Well [G]guess what, I [C]like that
'Cause I'm gonna mess your [Am]life up
Gonna wanna tape my [F]mouth shut
[G]Look out, lovers

We're [C]l-o-v-e-l-e-s-s [Am]generation
[F]L-o-v-e [G]l-e-s-s [C]generation
[Am]All fuckin' with our lover's heads, [F]gener [G]ation

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