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Hợp âm trong bài
Chế độ luyện tập

  • Ẩn hợp âm
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Verse 1:
[D]Been two years, [A]our memories are [G]blurred
[D]Hadn't heard your [A]voice, no, not a [G]word
But still they, [D]they talk about the things we [G]were
They talk about us But [D]I don't know the [A]things that you have [G]heard

She's [Bm]dancing on your [D]feet
With [A]our song on re-[G]peat
She [Bm]painted every [D]role of [A]us
She's [Bm]taking off her [D]clothes
In the [A]bed you kept me [D]warm
Heard she's [G]everything I [Bm]never [A]was

No, I'm not [Bm]her, no, [D]never will
Never gonna [A]move like her, [G]move like
I'm not [Bm]her, no, [D]never will
Never gonna [A]look like her, [G]be like
I'm not [Bm]her, [Gbmad]I'm not [D]her (no)
[Gbmad]At [A]least that's what [G]I've heard

Verse 2:
[D]Me, myself, just [A]stumble under [G]glue
[D]The thing I thought [A]was missing wasn't [G]you
And now I'm no [Bm]longer scared to meet the [G]night
I'm doing alright [D]Me, myself, we [A]started something [G]new

She's [Bm]dancing on your [D]feet
With [A]our song on [G]repeat
She [Bm]painted every [D]role of [A]us
She's [Bm]taking off her [D]clothes
In the [A]bed you kept me [D]warm
Heard she's [G]everything I [Bm]never [A]was

No, I'm not [Bm]her, no, [D]never will
Never gonna [A]move like her, [G]move like
I'm not [Bm]her, no, [D]never will
Never gonna [A]look like her, [G]be like
I'm not [Bm]her, [Gbmad]I'm not [D]her (no)
[Gbmad]At [A]least that's what [G]I've heard

[D]Been told that she's the [A]opposite
I [G]kinda like the sound of it
[D]And there's no one [A]like me
And [G]that makes it easier

No, I'm not [Bm]her, no, [D]never will
Never gonna [A]move like her, [G]move like
I'm not [Bm]her, no, [D]never will
Never gonna [A]look like her, [G]be like
I'm not [Bm]her, [Gbmad]I'm not [D]her (no)
[Gbmad]At [A]least that's what [G]I've heard

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