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[G]When you left me [Em]all alone [Am]at the record [D]hop
[G]Told me you were [Em]going out [Am]for a soda [D]pop
[G]You were gone for [G7]quite a while, [C]half an hour or more
[A]You came back and man oh man [D]this is what I saw

[G]Lipstick on you collar [C]told a tale on you
[G]Lipstick on you collar [C]said you were untrue
[G]Bet your bottom [B7]dollar [Em]you and I are [B7]through
'Cause [C]lipstick on you [G]collar [D]told a tale on [G]you, yeah

[G]You said it be[Em]longed to me, [C]made me stop and [D]think
[G]Then I noticed [Em]yours was red, [C]mine was baby [D]pink
[G]Who walked in but [G7]Mary Jane, [C]lipstick all a mess
[A]Were you smoochin' my best friend, [D]if the answer's yes

[G]Lipstick on you collar [C]told a tale on you
[G]Lipstick on you collar [C]said you were untrue
[G]Bet your bottom [B7]dollar [Em]you and I are [B7]through
'Cause [C]lipstick on you [G]collar [D]told a tale on [G]you, boy
[D]Told a tale on [G]you, man
[D]Told a tale on [G]you, yeah
[D]Told a tale on [G]you

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