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Tone gốc D#: Capo 3

[C]This is the way, we wash our clothes
[G7]Wash your clothes, wash our clothes
[C]This is the way, we wash our clothes
So [G7]early Monday [C]morning.

[C]This is the way, we iron our dress
[G7]Iron our dress, iron our dress
[C]This is the way, we iron our dress
So [G7]early Tuesday [C]morning.

[C]This is the way, we scrub the floor
[G7]Scrub the floor, scrub the floor
[C]This is the way, we scrub the floor
So [G7]early Wednesday [C]morning.

[C]This is the way, we mend our socks
[G7]Mend our socks, mend our socks
[C]This is the way, we mend our socks
So [G7]early Thursday [C]morning.

[C]This is the way, we sweep the house
[G7]Sweep the house, sweep the house
[C]This is the way, we sweep the house
So [G7]early Friday [C]morning.

[C]This is the way, we make our bread
[G7]Make our bread, make our bread
[C]This is the way, we make our bread
So [G7]early Saturday [C]morning.

[C]This is the way, we go to church
[G7]Go to church, go to church
[C]This is the way, we go to church
So [G7]early Sunday [C]morning.

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