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Intro: [Dabmg] My [D]feet are on the ground
And my [A]eyes look to the clouds
Cause I [Bm]know my heart belongs to [G]you
And the [D]air I'm breathing in
Is the [A]hope I'm living in
Cause I [Bm]know one day I'll be with [G]you
[D]All I can see, [A]all I believe
[Bm]You have my heart, [G]you have my heart
[D]My everything, [A]my only need
[Bm]You have my heart, [G]you have my [D]heart
Let it [D]fade, let it slip away
Let it [A]go, every past mistake
Cause I [Bm]know your love makes all things [G]new
When it [D]hurts I'll sing your praise
[A]Unashamed I'll say your name
[Bm]Unafraid I'll give it all to [G]you
[D]All I can see, [A]all I believe
[Bm]You have my heart, [G]you have my heart
[D]My everything, [A]my only need
[Bm]You have my heart, [G]you have my heart
[D]Nothing can take this love away
[A]Nothing can take this love away
[Bm]Nothing can take this love away
[G]You have my heart
[D]All I can see, [A]all I believe
[Bm]You have my heart, [G]you have my heart
[D]My everything, [A]my only need
[Bm]You have my heart, [G]you have my heart
[D]Nothing can take this love away
[A]Nothing can take this love away
[Bm]Nothing can take this love away
[G]You have my heart
My [D]feet are on the ground
And my [A]eyes look to the clouds
Cause I [Bm]know my heart belongs to [G]you

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